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Board of Retirement Appointments
Kurt Hoefer has joined SamCERA's Board, and Ben Bowler has been reappointed.


At its meeting on September 6, 2016, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors appointed two positions on the SamCERA Board of Retirement.

Kurt Hoefer was appointed to the ninth seat on the Board of Retirement. He is a partner at Golub Group, LLC.  As an investment adviser and investment banker, he has provided strategic and financial advice to institutions and individuals. This is his first term on the Board.

Kurt replaces Michal Settles, whose term expired in June. She was first appointed by the Board of Supervisors in June 2011, and was reappointed in 2013.  

Ben Bowler was reappointed to the fifth seat on the Board. He is the Treasurer of Matson, Inc. He was first appointed in August 2008 to fill a vacancy, and was reappointed in 2013.

The new terms for both appointments will expire on June 30, 2019.