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Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 December Board Meeting

At its meeting on December 5, 2017, no board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 October Board Meeting

At its meeting on October 31, 2017, no board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 October Special Board Meeting

At its special meeting on October 16, 2017, the Board of Retirement approved a $15 million capital commitment to Bernhard Capital Partners II, L.P., as part of SamCERA’s private equity portfolio.

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 September Board Meeting

At its meeting on September 26, 2017, the Board of Retirement authorized the CEO to execute an agreement with Verus Advisory, Inc. for investment consulting services.

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 August Board Meeting

At its meeting on August 22, 2017, the Board of Retirement approved a $30 million capital commitment to INVESCO U.S. Value-Add Fund V, as part of SamCERA’s real estate portfolio.

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 August Special Board Meeting

At its special meeting on August 10, 2017, the Board of Retirement directed staff to commence contract negotiations with Verus Advisory, Inc. for general investment consultant services.

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 July Board Meeting

At its meeting on July 25, 2017, the Board of Retirement approved an overall $80 million investment in the PIMCO Diversified Income strategy, which will reside in the opportunistic credit category in SamCERA’s fixed income asset class.

The Board also approved a $20 million capital commitment to Quantum Energy Partners VII, as part of SamCERA’s natural resources portfolio with private real assets.

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 June Board Meeting

At its June 6, 2017, meeting, the Board of Retirement approved changes to SamCERA’s international equity manager structure, removing its dedicated international small-cap allocation. The Board of Retirement also approved a $70 million investment to the Prudential Real Estate US Debt Fund as part of SamCERA’s real estate sub-asset class.

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 March Board Meeting

At its March 28, 2017 meeting, the Board of Retirement approved a $35 million capital commitment to the White Oak Yield Spectrum Fund as part of SamCERA’s Opportunistic Credit Composite within fixed income. 

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.


2017 SamCERA Board of Retirement Special Election Results
The results are in from the March 2017 Special Election

Congratulations to Al David, who has been elected to fill the unexpired term for the Third position on the SamCERA Board of Retirement. Mr. David received the most votes from our General membership.

Mr. David will serve the remaining term for the Third position, which expires on June 30, 2019.


SamCERA Recognized for Excellence in Financial Reporting

SamCERA has received two awards from North America’s foremost association of public finance officers.

First, for the twentieth consecutive year, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded SamCERA its Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.

This award was in recognition of SamCERA’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016. The CAFR contains detailed information about SamCERA’s finances and investments, including SamCERA’s assets, liabilities, funding sources, and funded status.


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2017 January Board Meeting

At its meeting on January 24, 2017, no board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2016 December Board Meeting

At its meeting on December 6, 2016, the Board of Retirement approved up to a $10 million capital commitment to ABRY Senior Equity V, and a $20 million capital commitment to Great Hill Partners VI, as part of SamCERA’s allocation to private equity.

The Board also directed staff to begin implementation of a new asset allocation policy per the recently concluded asset liability study.  The new policy has a 9% reduction to growth assets, a 3% increase to diversifying assets, and a 6% increase to inflation hedge assets. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2016 October Board Meeting

At its meeting on October 25, 2016, no board action was taken related to specific SamCERA investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Information
2016 September Board Meeting

At its meeting on September 27, 2016, no board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Appointments
Kurt Hoefer has joined SamCERA's Board, and Ben Bowler has been reappointed.

At its meeting on September 6, 2016, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors appointed two positions on the SamCERA Board of Retirement.

Kurt Hoefer was appointed to the ninth seat on the Board of Retirement. He is a partner at Golub Group, LLC.  As an investment adviser and investment banker, he has provided strategic and financial advice to institutions and individuals. This is his first term on the Board.


Board of Retirement Investment Commitments
2016 August Board Meeting

At its meeting on August 23, 2016, the Board of Retirement approved a $10 million capital commitment to Taurus Mining Finance Fund Annex, as part of SamCERA’s allocation to private real assets.

No further board action was taken related to SamCERA’s investment commitments or hires.

More information on SamCERA’s commitments may be available in SamCERA’s Board of Retirement meeting minutes. Minutes for a given Board meeting are usually approved at the next regular meeting, and will be posted shortly thereafter. 


Board of Retirement Investment Commitments
2016 July Board Meeting

At its meeting on July 27, 2016, the Board of Retirement approved the hire of Quantitative Management Associates (QMA) for a Small-Cap Core mandate with an initial investment of $110 million.

The Board also approved the shift of SamCERA’s current commodity exposure (approximately $85-90 million) to a new custom liquid real asset strategy managed by State Street Global Advisors (SSGA).

Additionally, the Board approved a $10 million capital commitment to Angeles Equity Partners I, L.P., as part of SamCERA’s allocation to private equity.


SamCERA’s Investment Return Assumption Lowered to 7.0%

SamCERA’s Board of Retirement has instructed its actuary, Milliman, to use 7.0% as the long-term investment return assumption to perform its annual valuation of the retirement fund for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016. This is a reduction from the previous assumption of 7.25%.

The investment assumption, also called the “assumed earnings rate,” is the long-term annualized average return over a 30-year period that the retirement fund is projected to earn through its investments in stocks, bonds, real estate, and other segments of its portfolio.